Share Your Stories and Memories | Saudades


Brazilian Family Memories
          from Monarchy to Millennium

a new book by Annita Clark-Weaver

Share Your Stories and Memories

Share Your Stories and Memories


Do you have memories, pictures, or stories to share?
Thoughts about the way families pass on traditions, stories, myths?
Or the way cultural differences are met across languages and generations?
This is your space…

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  1. I am part of the leadership of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil. We are interested in publishing your book “Saudades” in Portuguese.
    I would like to expand contact.

  2. Antonio R Amarante shared:

    Nasci na cidade de Caldas e a casa que pertenceu ao Dr. André Regnell foi comprada por meus avós maternos e ali morei parte de minha infância. Posteriormente, mudei-me de Caldas, mas passava as férias nessa casa. A casa ao lado, onde nasceu e morou D. Chiquita, foi adquirida por meus tios Porfíria e Antonio Augusto de Carvalho (irmão mais velho do Dr. Lázaro, citado no livro, página 296). Meus tios venderam a casa para o dentista Pedro Ottoni. Um de seus filhos foi meu amigo de infância, assim, conheci e me lembro bastante bem de toda a casa. Tenho uma foto da casa no ano de 1960 (aproximadamente). Algumas alterações foram feitas na casa: a rua foi rebaixada antes de ser calçada e, assim, as janelas aparecem mais altas em relação à rua do que era originalmente. Além disso, duas portas foram transformada em janela.João Mestre (João Amarante), citado no livro (página 234) era meu tataravô. Reinaldo Amarante, citado na página 213, filho de João Mestre, era, portanto, irmão de meu bisavô. Sr. Zuzu, citado na página 248, era irmão mais velho de meu pai, portanto, meu tio. Ele faleceu (há 4 ou 5 anos atrás), bem como sua mulher Geni (na verdade, Zenir). Seu nome era Sebastião Dal Poggetto Amarante. Minha mãe também se chama Anita (com um ‘n’ somente). Gostei muito do livro. Muito obrigado.

  3. Dear Neech: Your wonderful book has, among other things, shined a light on my grandfather Orton, of whom I know very little. Also, the story of Vovo and Myron is a reminder that love transcends cultural differences. Much love, Steven Skinner Clark

  4. Jessica Meese shared:

    I am so glad I found this site! I am Chiquita’s great-great-granddaughter. I have recently begun researching my family history and stumbled on this book searching for information about her. I thought all I’d ever be able to know was facts I could get from census data and passenger lists. I never thought I’d be able to get a real sense of who she was. Thank you, Annita, for sharing your memories!

    • Annita Clark-Weaver shared:

      Thank you, Jessica, what a thrill to be contacted by a first cousin twice removed, whom I met once, in 1990, at the family reunion in New Hampshire, when you were four years old! I also met your father and mother for the first time then, and renewed my relationship with your grandparents, my first cousin Phyllis and husband Bob. Who would have thought that I would be hearing from you 24 years later?

      I have copies of two passenger lists of the family’s visits to the States in 1904 on the SS Tennyson and 1911 on Vasari, and lots of other material which I would be happy to share with you or any family members. Let’s get together!

  5. Working with Annita to publish Saudades has been an amazing, wonderful experience. I’ve learned so much about Brazil, history, and especially the wisdom women pass on to future generations.

    • Annita Clark-Weaver shared:

      And I learned something about publishing and book design and website management from Martha, who was always patient with me. Thanks, Martha!