Jericoacoara | Saudades


Brazilian Family Memories
          from Monarchy to Millennium

a new book by Annita Clark-Weaver



JERICOACOARA, CEARÁ by Annita Clark-Weaver


We are walking sponges

carrying the weight of equatorial air

in our skin.


A lazy breeze

shuffles the dunes and tickles the palms.


I want nothing more than to lie in this hammock

somewhere between sleep and wakefulness

memories and sensations

birth and death.




JERICOACOARA (Same poem, originally written in Portuguese)


Somos esponjas andandos

levando o peso do ar tropical

na pele.


Uma brisa preguiçosa

desarruma as dunas, e faz cócegas nas palmeiras.


Agora quero mais nada

Só deitar-me nesta rede, balançando

Entre sonatas e acordaçoes,

Memórias e sensações

Vida e morte.